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🌟🌟Sandy and Robbie McCullough 🌟🌟

Superstar Consultant

My Story

Hi My Name is Sandy McCullough, 
Scentsy found me Sept. 2008 by way of a Mediterranean Mist Wax Bar.
I bought this one from a local consultant I knew through her husband I worked with.  I was a candle ADDICTED and had them everywhere!  I wanted a safer alternative to candles but still have the amazing fragrance in my house. From the very first time I warmed that bar, I was HOOKED on Scentsy!  I couldn't believe the value, fragrance life, and SAFETY of using Scentsy over 'wicked' candles. After considering it for 1 month, I took the plunge and signed up. Five months later , I lost my job and had a hard time finding another job. Which took me on an adventure for 9 years with my husband on the road with his job. So Sadly I became inactive. We then decided in April of 2017 to make a drastic decision for my husband to change jobs and move out of state to do this with no family or friends around us. We finally got moved and some what settled in Florida and I was trying to find something to do to meet people, make friends and to make some extra cash. Then My husband had the most fantastic idea and that was for me to rejoin Scentsy. His words ( I think it would help you meet and make friends). Sure enough it did and I have a whole Scentsy family that I love. =) I LOVE it!  God blessed my efforts and I became a Lead in February 2018, then Star Consultant October 2018, then Super Star Consultant September 2019 and then now Director on September 2020. I am enjoying everything this amazing life brings my way. Thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my website. I hope you have a scent-sational day !!!

Some of my favorite scents are
Clean Breeze
By The Sea
Aloha Citrus

What's warming in my home